
Preschool through 8th grade, kids are like little sponges. They will soak in everything you can teach them. Don't be in a hurry to push them along, let them go at their own pace.

From my 28 years experience, homeschooling five girls and one boy and all of their friends who seemed to drop by, I've noticed boys tend to be a bit slower. That's ok. The reason behind that is the neurons on the base of the brain-stem on boys, need to catch up with their growth. Once enough fatty cells attach around the brain-stem, the boys will start to learn and take off. If they are slow to read that is ok too. Once they start reading, you may never get them to stop!

K-8 Education

At PSAC we hope to help parents find a balance, find a curriculum that works for each child, and to bring a well-rounded education that comes from the heart.

Being part of the homeschool movement for a long time, has allowed us to try many different curriculums. Some work well, some do not.

Each student has a particular learning style and you may have difficulties teaching the same curriculum to the same children. Sometimes we have to accomodate our child that does not have the same learning style as the others. An open mind and being able to consult with those more experienced in homeschooling, is part of what we offer.

Why Choose our Services

  • Curricula Evaluations
  • Individualized Planning
  • Standardized Testing
  • Training for Parents
  • Teacher Consultant Access

Our services are always available to you. We will provide enrolled families professional support, having a flexible and creative approach to curriculum and instruction.

Get your copy of the Teach My Own Planner $16.00. Contact us on our "Contact PSAC" form.

Middle School

This is probably the most difficult grades to teach. Your student now has more freedoms then they did before but also more restrictions.

For homeschooler's my advice to you, besides becoming a member of PSAC, is talk to your children. Communication is key to success for your students. Find out what they are interested in. Take those interests and turn that into your curriculum.

Do activities with your middle school students that incorporate their public school friends. Creating a balance with both types of students will help create credence and...from our experience our homeschooled children were always reliable to their friends in public school. Friendships developed regardless of where they go to school can be priceless.